
Assistant Professor

Qualification: MSc Biochemistry, (PhD)

Courses taught: MSc Biochemistry, BSc Biochemistry

Area of expertise: Plant Lectins and cancer research

Contact details:

Conference details

Meghana.M and G.J.Satisha Investigation of potent anticancer activity of lectin from Scadoxus multiflorous Bulbs - International conference on translation research and application of biophotonics, Manipal school of life science , Dept of biophysics, August 3-5, 2023 (Poster presentation)

Meghana.M and G.J.Satisha Isolation, Purification and Physicochemical Characterization of a novel Lectin from Scadoxus multiflorous Bulbs – State level seminar in current trends in science – BMS college, Dept of Biotechnology , Bangalore , 12th July 2023 (Oral presentation)