Assistant Professor
Qualification: M. Sc.
Courses taught: Artificial Intelligence, Open Source Technology
Area of expertise: Artificial Intelligence, Image Processing, Pattern Recognition
Contact details: kavya.sn@sdmmmkmysore.in
Sl. No. |
Seminar/Conference | Organizedby | Date | Place |
1 | ImpactofIOTinachangingSocialEnvironment | Department of Computer Scienceand Engineering, VidyavardhakaCollegeof Engineering | 21st July2020 | Mysuru |
2 | Artificial Intelligence forHealthcare | Department of Computer scienceand Engineering, VidyavardhakaCollegeof Engineering | 23rd July2020 | Mysuru |
3 | Improving Security in the IOTthrough Bio-Inspiredapproaches | Department of Computer scienceand Engineering, VidyavardhakaCollegeof Engineering | 23rd July2020 | Mysuru |
4 | RelevanceofBhagavadgeeta | VishwachetanaSamskrutaPatshale | 8th August2020 | Mysuru |
5 | COVID-19anditsimpactonGlobal Economy | Department of Economics & Co-operation, UoM and Lead IndiaFoundation, USA, in Associationwith IndiaEconomicAssociation | 13thAugust2020 | Mysuru |
Sl. No. |
Seminar/Conference | Organizedby | Date | Place |
1 | ArtofwritinganeffectiveResearchArticle | DepartmentofCSE/ITCMRUniversity | 30thJuly2020 | Mysuru |
2 | DataScience&ArtificialIntelligence | DepartmentofComputerScience,Santhigiri College of ComputerScience,Vazhithala | 6th- 8thAugust 2020 | Mysuru |
3 | NewEducationPolicy-2020 | RRInstituteofAdvanced Studies(RRIAS)Bengaluru | 8th August2020 | Mysuru |
4 | Artificial Neural Network AnditsApplications | DepartmentofComputerScience,JSS College of Arts andCommerceandScience | 8th August2020 | Mysuru |
5 | Matlab& SimulinkFundamentals & itsApplicationsinAI | Department of ElectronicsEngineering, Atharva College ofEngineering,Mumbai&DesigntechSystems Pvt.Ltd | 23rdJuly,2020 | Mysuru |
6 | DataVisualizationusingTableau | KLE’sNijalingappaCollegeRajajinagar,Bengaluru | 24thJuly2020 | Mysuru |
7 | JavaWithCloudComputing | KLE’sNijalingappaCollegeRajajinagar,Bengaluru | 25thJuly2020 | Mysuru |
8 | AIinHealthcare | KLE’sNijalingappaCollegeRajajinagar,Bengaluru | 27thJuly2020 | Mysuru |
9 | Tensorflow2.0 | Department of Computer ScienceandEngineering,VidyavardhakaCollegeof Engineering | 28thJuly2020 | Mysuru |
10 | AwarenessonIntellectualPropertyRights(IPR) | Department of Computer ScienceandEngineering,VidyavardhakaCollegeof Engineering | 28thJuly2020 | Mysuru |
11 | Data –TheMine | Department of Computer ScienceandEngineering,VidyavardhakaCollegeof Engineering | 28thJuly2020 | Mysuru |
12 | 5Gand Beyond | Department of InformationScienceand Engineering,JNNCollege of Engineering,Shivamoga | 28thJuly2020 | Mysuru |
13 | DataAnalytics | KLE’sNijalingappaCollegeRajajinagar,Bengaluru | 29thJuly2020 | Mysuru |
14 | RecentChallengesinCyberSecurity | Department of Computer ScienceandEngineering,VidyavardhakaCollegeof Engineering | 29thJuly2020 | Mysuru |
15 | Outcome Based Education – ANewPerspective | Department of Computer ScienceandEngineering,VidyavardhakaCollegeof Engineering | 27th-30thJuly2020 | Mysuru |
16 | DataCenter:OnPremiseVsCloud | KLE’sNijalingappaCollegeRajajinagar,Bengaluru | 30thJuly2020 | Mysuru |
17 | SoftwareEngineering | Department of Computer ScienceandEngineering,VidyavardhakaCollegeof Engineering | 31stJuly2020 | Mysuru |
18 | Mulsemediain360VR | Indian Institute of InformationTechnology,Kottayam | 9th July2020 | Mysuru |
19 | CyberSecurity | School of Engineering andTechnology, G H RaisoniUniversitySaikheda | 4th August2020 | Mysuru |
20 | MathematicsforEngineering | NSS And Red Cross Wing ofVidyavardhaka College ofEngineering | 4th August2020 | Mysuru |
21 | OnlineLectureSeriesonIOTanditsApplications | Department of Computer ScienceandEngineering,VidyavardhakaCollegeof Engineering | 3rd- 7thAugust 2020 | Mysuru |
22 | HealthcareAnalytics | Department of Computer ScienceandEngineering,VidyavardhakaCollegeof Engineering | 8th August2020 | Mysuru |
23 | DeepLearningBasedSecurity | DepartmentofCSE,GeetanjaliInstitute of Technical Studies,Udaipur | 8th August2020 | Mysuru |
24 | Information is Wealth: AnAwarenessTowardsCyberSecurity | Department of Computer ScienceandEngineering,VidyavardhakaCollegeof Engineering | 10thAugust2020 | Mysuru |
25 | LearnStatisticsForDataScience | Department of Computer ScienceandEngineering,VidyavardhakaCollegeof Engineering | 13thAugust2020 | Mysuru |
26 | Research&Innovation | Department of InformationScienceandEngineering,VVCE | 17th-21stAugust2020 | Mysuru |
27 | AnalyzingAndVisualizingIOTDataWithThingspeak | DepartmentofElectronicsandCommunication Engineering,Kumaraguru College ofTechnology,Coimbatore | 26thAugust2020 | Mysuru |
28 | Artificial Intelligence andImage Processing UsingMATLAB | EGS Pillay Engineering College(Autonomous), EGS Pillay GroupofInstitutions,Nagapattinam | 9th- 10thJuly2020 | Mysuru |
Sl. No. | Seminar/Conference | Organizedby | Date | Place |
1 | ICTInitiativesinODLSystem | ICTCell, KarnatakaStateOpenUniversity | 11th July2020 | Virtual |
Sl. No. |
Workshoptitle | Organizedby | Date | Place |
1 | Machine learning and Deeplearningwith Keras | Department of Computer Scienceand Engineering, VidyavardhakaCollegeof Engineering | 21stto23rdJuly2020 | Virtual |
2 | HadoopandBigdataAnalytics | Department of Computer Science& Engineering, Malla ReddyInstitute of Technology andScience | 24th–25thJuly2020 | Virtual |
3 | R-Programming | Department of Computer Science& Engineering, Malla ReddyInstitute of Technology andScience | 28th–30thJuly2020 | Virtual |
4 | A Beginners course in WebProgramming | Department of Computer Scienceand Engineering, VidyavardhakaCollegeof Engineering | 14thAugust2020 | Virtual |
5 | Cyber Security And EmergingDataProtectionRegulationsInIndia | KLE Society’s GurusiddappakotambriLawcollege,Hubbali | 13th&14thAugust2020 | Virtual |
Sl. No. |
FDPTitle | Organizedby | Date | Place |
1 | Data Analytics and MachineLearning | Department of Master ofComputer Applications,Dayananda Sagar College ofEngineering | 14thto18thJuly2020 | Virtual |
2 | Emerging Cyber SecurityTrends–AHands-onApproach | Department of Computer Science& Technology and ComputerScience & Engineering. School ofEngineering, Dayanada SagarUniversity | 20th-24thJuly2020 | Virtual |
3 | ArtificialIntelligenceandMachine Learning | Department of Computer Science& Engineering, School ofEngineering, Dayananda SagarUniversity | 6th July-2020 | Virtual |
4 | DeepLearning | Department of Computer Science& Engineering, School ofEngineering. Dayananda SagarUniversity | 8th July-2020 | Virtual |
5 | RecentTrendsinInformationTechnology | DepartmentofComputerScience, N.G.PatelPolytechnic,Surat |
17th-19thAugust2020 | Virtual |
6 | ExploringMachineLearning,Preserving Privacy of DataSecurity | DepartmentofComputerScience, N.G.PatelPolytechnic,Surat |
29th-31stAugust2020 | Virtual |
7 | DeepLearninginMedicalImageAnalysis | Department of Computer Science& Engineering, School ofEngineering. Dayananda SagarUniversity | 8th July-2020 | Virtual |
8 | CloudComputing | Department of Computer Science& Engineering, School ofEngineering. Dayananda SagarUniversity | 9th July-2020 | Virtual |
9 | ComputerVision | Department of Computer Science& Engineering, School ofEngineering. Dayananda SagarUniversity | 10thJuly-2020 | Virtual |
10 | Nanomaterial Synthesis,Process, Characterization andit’sFunctionalApplications | Department of AutomobileEngineering,HindusthanCollegeof Engineering and TechnologyCoimbatore | 6th- 11thJuly2020 | Virtual |
11 | Cyber-Security: Ways tosafeguard everyone fromCybercrime | JSS Mahavidyapeetha, SriJayachamarajendra College ofEngineering,JSSMysuru. | 3rd Aug to7th Aug2020 | Virtual |
12 | DifferentialEquations&theirApplications in Water WaveTheory | Department of computer Science& Technology and ComputerScience & Engineering. School ofEngineering, Dayanada SagarUniversity,Bengaluru | 13thAugust2020 | Virtual |
13 | MachineLearning | Department of Computer scienceand Engineering, VidyavardhakaCollegeof Engineering | 10thto14thAugust2020 | Virtual |
14 | ICTToolstoImpartKnowledge | Department of Computer scienceand Engineering, VidyavardhakaCollegeof Engineering | 13thAugust2020 | Virtual |
15 | ArtificialIntelligenceanditsapplications: a PracticalApproach | Department of Computer scienceand Engineering, VidyavardhakaCollegeof Engineering | 17thand18thAugust2020 | Virtual |
Sl. No. |
TrainingProgramTitle | Organizedby | Date | Place |
1 | Machine Learning for SocietalApplications | Department of Computer Science& Engineering, Anurag Group ofInstitutions,Hyderabad | 24thAugustto 29thAugust2020 | Virtual |
2 | RecentTrendsinInformationTechnology | Department of InformationTechnology,BharatiVidypeethCollegeofEngineering, Pune | 10thAugustto 14thAugust2020 | Virtual |
3 | Advanced Deep LearningTechniqueswithPython | Department of Computer Science& Engineering, Anurag Group ofInstitutions,Hyderabad | 31stAugust2020 to 5thSeptember2020 | Virtual |
- NVIDIA DLI certificate has been awarded for the successful completion of “FundamentalsofDeep LearningforComputerVision”.