Smt. G.R. Sumithra
Assistant Professor & HOD
Qualification: M.Sc., M.Phil.
Courses taught: B.Sc
Area of expertise: Specialisation in Electronics
Contact details: sumithra@sdmmmkmysore.in
- A paper titled “ Embedded Based Temperature Monitoring System” in the International Journal of engineering Science Invention(IJESI)- a UGC approved Journal in February 2018.
- A paper titled ‘Healthy Practices in Quality Teaching at ITQPE-2013’was published in conference proceedings held at SDMCET, Dharwad.
Conferences/workshop/seminars Attended
International Level
- Two days International Symposium on Nano Science and Technology organized by National Institute of Engineering, Mysore.
- International level one day seminar on “ Enhancing student success in global perspective” organized by Guru Shree Shanthi Vijay Jain College for Women, Chennai.
- International level two days seminar on “3rd International Festival of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics” organized by University of Mysore, Mysore.
- International level three days conference on organized by University of Mysore, Mysuru.
National Level
- National level two days Seminar on “ Quality: The Key factor in Administrative Reforms in Higher Education” Organized by Besant Women’s College, Mangalore.
- National level two days Seminar on “Healthy Practices in Quality Teaching” organized by SDM College of Engineering &Technology, Dharwad.
- National level two days Seminar on “Measures for Quality Enhancement and Sustenance in Higher Education” organized by SDM College of Business Management and PG Centre for Management Studies of Research, Mangalore.
- National level two days workshop on “Assessment and Accreditation of NAAC” organized by University of Mysore, Mysore in association with PMEB & CDC, University of Mysore sponsored by NAAC, Bangalore.
- Attended National Conference on Recent Advances in Physical Sciences- An Interdisciplinary Approach(RAPS IA -2017) organized by Government Science College(Autonomous).
State Level
- State level two days Seminar on “Globalisation: Challenges and opportunities for Science & Technology” organized by Karnataka Science &Technology Academy ,UOM, Mysore.
- State level two days Seminar on Open Science Lecture Series organized by Maharani’s FGC, Mysore.
- State level one day workshop on IQAC Conference- NAAC New Guidelines organized by SDM College(Autonomous), Ujire.
University Level
- University level two days Seminar on ‘Photonics and Electronics organized by St. Philomena’s College, Mysore.
- University level one day Workshop on “Curriculum Development in UG Science Subjects” Organized by JSS College, Ooty Road, Mysore.
- Regional seminar on “Indian Sustainability Congress 2014” Organized by Bangalore.
- University level one day workshop “Revised B.Sc Syllabus” organized by NIE First grade College, Mysore.
- University level one day workshop on “Technology in Higher Education” organized by University of Mysore in collaboration with knowledge Commission of Karnataka, Govt. of Karnataka.
- University level one day Seminar on “Structure and Governance of Universities” organized by University of Mysore & Forum of Former Vice Chancellors of Universities of Karnataka.
- University level Principal’s meet on “Quality Enhancement in Higher Education; Issues and Concerns” organized by UGC-Human Resource Development Centre & College Development Council, University of Mysore.
- University level one day workshop on Documentation & Preparation for NAAC Assessment under Revised System organized by Vidyavardhaka First Grade College, Mysuru.
- University level one day workshop on “Revised First year Degree Syllabus-CBCS” organized by NIE FGC, Mysore.
- Faculty development program on “Communicating effectively in the Class room: Communication skills for Teachers” organized by SDM IMD, MYSORE.
- One day conference on Revised Accreditation Framework’ for Non- accredited Colleges affiliated to University of Mysore at NAAC Office, Bangalore.
Papers presented in Conferences/workshop/seminars
- A Paper titled ‘Nanotechnology’ was presented in the International Conference organised by AFMEEHC, UOM, Mysuru in March 2019.
Awards and Achivements
- Nominated by the Vice chancellor of University of Mysore as a member of Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Mysore, Mysore
Other Noteworthy Mentions
- NAAC/IQAC/NIRF Coordinator
BOS and BOE Details
- BOS member, University of Mysore, Mysore in the year 2010-11, 2013-14 & 2014-15.
- BOE member, University of Mysore, Mysore in the year 2010-11, 2012-13, 2013-14, 2017-18 & 2018-19.
- BOE member,Yuvaraja’s college(autonomous), Mysore in the year 2011-12.
- Appointed as chairperson of BOE, University of Mysore, Mysore in the year 2011-12.
- BOE member,JSS college(autonomous), Ooty road, Mysore in the year 2012-13.
- BOE member St. Philomena’s college(autonomous), Mysore in the year 2013-14.
- BOE member, JSS college(autonomous), ooty road, Mysore in the year 2018-19.