Dr.Devaki K.K

Assistant Professor & HOD

Qualification: PhD, M.Phil, M.com

Courses taught: Business Research Methodology, Business Statistics, Marketing, HRM, Business taxation.

Area of expertise: Marketing & HRM

Contact details: devaki_kk@sdmmmkmysore.in

Research details:

PhD details:

"Appraisal of Consumer Behaviour -A case study of “Café Coffee Day with special reference to Karnataka State", DRAVIDIAN UNIVERSITY, Kuppam, May 2009-2014

Papers Presented

  • A paper titled ‘The Era of RUDSETI provides skill development inspiration to rural youth with special reference to Ujire’ in 5TH Multidisciplinary International Conference `Information Technology,Entrepreneurship,Humanities and Sustainable value chain in a challenging Environment’’(IEH-2020) organized by Gulf American University @ Dubai on 24/02/2020.
  • A paper titled -The Overview of Digital Economy in India in National Level Conference at SG Govt Degree and P.G College, Piler,Chittor on 5th & 6th March 2020.


  • IFRS in India an Overview Contemporary Issues in Ethics, Governance and International Financial Reporting Standards.ISBN:978-93-81195-25-3,United Publishers.
  • Managing Human Resources at the workplace ISBN:978-81-922146-5-8.
  • Appraisal on Consumer Behaviour and Decision Making Journal of Development and Social Change,ISSN:2231-0991
  • Appraisal of Consumer Behaviour-A case study of Café Coffee Day with special reference to Karnataka State Advance in Collaborative Research, ISBN:9781548809591.
  • Impact Factor of Creativity and Innovation at Workplace presented at Bangkok Multifour Journal,Volume-V,Issue-1,ISSN:2249-8117.
  • An overview on Need of Innovation and Creativity at work place Advance in Collaborative Research,ISBN:978-1534770188.
  • Impact of Innovative Training at RUDSETI promotes Efficient Entreprenurs International Journal of Academic Research,ISSN:2348-7666,Impact Factor:6.023.
  • Impact of RUDSETI training on sustainable Development of Entrepreneurship in Karnataka Educational Development and Social Welfare,ISBN:978-1-387-52255-2
  • An Overview of Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Bookrix GmbH & Co,Munich Germany,ISBN:978-1-387-88971-6.
  • A Utility Analysis on RUDSETI Training for sustainable future with reference to Belthangady Taluk Presented at Malaysia International Journal of Arts, Science and Humanities Shanlax,ISSN:2321-788x,Impact Factor:3.025.
  • The Perceptual study of Entrepreneurship Development through EDP Training. International Journal of Arts, Science and Humanities Shanlax,ISSN:2321-788x,Impact Factor:3.025
  • A paper in UGC Care Approved Indexed,peer Reviewed and referred Journal.Paper title- Issues and Challenges in Higher Education with special reference to Commerce & Management in India. ISSN No-2321-936X,Volume-35 Jan-March2020.(Impact factor 6.5).
  • A paper in Scopus Journal GIS Business title-What Drives Satisfaction and Willingness to Pay For Sports Facilities? Survey Results of Users of Government Sports Facilities in India. ISSN: 1430-3663 Vol-15-Issue-4-April on 4/04/2020.
  • A paper titled- The era of RUDSETI provides skill development inspiration to rural youth with special reference to ujire in UGC Care Approved Indexed, peer Reviewed and referred Journal- CLIO An Annual Interdisciplinary Journal of History, ISSN: 0976-075X, Volume-6, Issue-2, April 2020.(Impact Factor 5.6).
  • Asiatic Society of Mumbai

Conferences/workshop/seminars Attended

  • Participated in two days National level conference on Sambandha, Sampreethi, Sangharsha: The dynamics of Human Relationships on 25th & 26th Feb 2019 at SDM P.G Centre, Ujire
  • Guest Speaker on the topic Life Skills and Human Psychology at Govt. Polytechnic Arakere Srirangapatna.
  • Participated in Two days National Workshop on Quality Research Methodology & Writing, Publishing Skills for researchers on 26th & 27th July 2019 in University of Mysore.
  • Paper presentation in 10th International Conference at Central College Campus Bengaluru on the title Issues and Challenges in Higher Education on 11th & 12th Nov 2019.
  • Participated in one day work shop Voyage-2018 A journey towards HR destination held on 29th November at SDM P.G Centre Ujire.
  • Guest Speaker on Soft skills in two day National Conference on Social Responsibilities of Libraries and Librarians in the Internet Society-Challenges and Issues held on 15th and16th December 2017 at Dharmasthala.
  • Participated in technical seminar on Effective search Strategy and reference Management system held at SDMIT, Ujire on 28th Sept 2016.
  • Participated in One day Workshop on How to do a Good Ph.D on Aug 10th 2016 at Second International Conference on Cognitive Computing and Information Processing CCIP 2016.
  • Participated in Workshop `Education at Australia’ at Adarsh College in Bangalore on 15th July 2014.
  • Participated in One day Workshop ‘Alternate Therapies and well being at FMKMC College Madikeri on 23/3/2013.
  • Participated in One day Workshop on "Teacher Competency Development" at FMKMC College Madikeri on 11/01/2013.
  • Participated in National Level faculty development program on Nurturing Life skills towards an Enabling work environment on 30/10/2010 at Seshadripuram College, Bangalore.

Awards and Achivements

  • Gold Medalist for Best shooter and Best Leadership Qualities in Officers training at Gwalior NCC 2011.
  • PRCN Officers Training secured A Grade & Refresher Captain Course secured A Grade.
  • Deputy Director General Award 2014
  • Deputy Director General Award 2015
  • Chief Minister Award 2018